Ivan Von Noshrilgram Sr’s Terrifying Story

Note: the following is the first chapter of what was a novel-in-progress. It is the transcript of a reading by me, Ivan Von Noshrilgram Sr - celebrated philosopher-botanist, wild game hunter, exotic animal trainer, extinguished firewalker, writer and humanitarian lecturer, at the East 75 Street Community Centre, in New York City, sometime in September 1972. Please pardon any indecisiveness that may seem to exist in terms of theme, character, style, storyline, genre or raison d’être. (As an aspiring writer, these were elements I found most challenging.) Oh, and also pace. Pace, and tone... and maybe direction? Really, it was a work-in-progress; but a very scary one. It’s to be published by Doubleday in the spring of next year. Well, maybe. They don’t seem to be answering their phone. …Perhaps they’ve relocated?

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The Silencing of America

This week, Clearview AI, Google and Amazon disclosed their recent deliberations with the Library of Congress in Washington and the Senate Subcommittee for Literacy Reform over the legal right to purchase, and possess indefinitely, the copyright of English vowels.

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America's (All-inclusive) Assassination Party

“And, best of all,” says Yukiko Nakanishi, “among those guys, towering high above, was Mike the Rat. Yep! Mike the Rat watched the others do a cartwheel and, despite his very large head, he did one too! Right here on Baker City’s Main Street! I got a photo!”

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Travels with Children: Paris Revelations

“How long did the princess live?”

“Not sure. Not very.” He checked his pockets and to his alarm realized he’d smoked his last cigarette.

“Why not?” the girl asked, as if this might be the last straw, the one that would destroy their day.

“Because her head got separated from her body, mostly. That’s why.”

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Alistair VoganComment